The art director is involved in many jobs within the production of a game. Overseeing the overall quality of the work produced for all games, in addition to this, it is also in the job's description to oversee the advertising and publishing materials that are used to promote the game. Most of an art director's time is spent on games developed within the company that could be a big seller, however, time is also dedicated to so called 'B-side' games that are not the main ambition of the company. The overview of the B-sides usually involves reviewing the art through the milestones of the external production, suggesting improvements and new ideas for changes to be made. Art directors attend all the review meeting in the company and their involvement in a game starts when the initial idea of a game is pitched to the senior management, the next stage that the directors take care of is the reviewing of the design document produced by the game artists, they check that the art work is sound and accurate. They work closely with the game producers, deciding how much time should be dedicated to the production team to work on a game, also, how much of the budget shall be spent on each game.
The art director is responsible to the senior management of the game, they are responsible for the overall look and feel of the game being produced, both the way the player interacts with the game and the way the player interacts with his environment. this includes both active and passive art in the game.
Art director is a creative roll to play in the production, this is because the art director is involved in every part of the art production of the game, from improving concept work to changing environments that don't work with a certain mood thats trying to be achieved throughout a game, they have to be able to spot these things in the work that they see, therefore they must be creative when doing this job.
With film art direction, it's not so much, harder than game direction, its just the fact that in film, there is only ever one perspective and point of view to address when looking through a camera lens, whereas, the game artist director has to take into account the player's ability to move around 3d space which gives the director's judge-
meant a bigger sense of responsibility if a mistake were to not be spotted in a scene. This observation is the main difference between the two directors and what they do, other than this, the principles of the two jobs are the same: working with the production designer closely, a responsibility to assign tasks for personnel within the team and attending all of the production meetings.
If i were to become an art director in the future, i would think that i needed to improve my skills as an artist, in spotting mistakes in work such as, maybe a mistake in perspective for example, also i would need to have the skills necessary to be able to correct these mistakes spotted and give advice to improve them. I would need to be able to consistently produce work that is up to scratch with the level that is expected in the industry.
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